Articles Author News/Announcements Authors Events News TuacaCon 2011

TuacaCon 2011 \\“ Nicole Gugliucci

Nicole Gugliucci pictureNicole Gugliucci is a graduate student at the University of Virginia, working also at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. She has wanted to be an astronomer since seeing \\Contact\\ in theatres as a kid, and tries to find ways to bring the wonders of astronomy to everyone.

She engages in hands-on outreach with elementary school children through a program called \\Dark Skies, Bright Kids,\\ has taught a class at UVa called \\Life Beyond Earth,\\ and blogs for Discovery Space News.

Inspired also by Carl Sagan\\™s \\Demon-Haunted World,\\ Nicole considers herself a critical thinking advocate, getting involved in local skeptics groups and blogging at and

Nicole will be featured in a video interview during TuacaCon.

Gaming News

Gaming News – Felicia Day

Yeah, I admit it. I’m in platonic love (okay, maybe not so platonic, but I’m a realist) with Felicia Day. She once did a quick intro for one of the episodes of my podcast novel (Murder at Avedon Hill) and when I later met her at DragonCon, she actually recognized me after seeing my name on my badge. Not to mention, I got to witness her hold off her handler/bodyguard so she could talk to a young girl that had been waiting in line for twenty minutes, even though the “Walk of Fame” was closing, and even made the guy take the photo below even though he just wanted to get the heck out of the hall… 😉

Felicia Day has had great success with her webseries The Guild, as Penny in Joss Whedon’s Doctor Horrible, and  has had appearances/stints on shows such as Eureka, House, and Lie to Me. Heck, she even starred in one of the more bearable SYFY Saturday movies, Red: Werewolf Hunter.

And this fall she is featured in two forms of media for Dragon Age 2. Dragon Age 2: Mark of the Assassin is DLC for Dragon Age 2 that will be available on October 11th, and on that same day the live action webseries, Dragon Age: Redemption will also be available on XBox Live.
Redemption was written and stars Ms. Day, and I’m looking forward to both very much.

Here are links to two features on Felicia and the work she’s been doing with Bioware and Dragon Age 2:

Felicia Day is Just What Gaming Needs – article on Kotaku

GamePro video interview with Felicia Day – Dragon Age 2 DLC Preview