Consumption Podcast VideoConsumption

SFM Presents: Consumption \\“ Ep. 11, 10/30/13

Episode 11 of SFM Presents: Consumption was recorded on Wednesday, October 30th at 9 pm Eastern.

Our special guest was author Philippa J. Ballantine!


P.G. Holyfield (author of Murder at Avedon Hill and SFM Founder)
Christiana Ellis (too many podcasts to list here, but you can check out all things Christiana at her site).
Chooch (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host)
Vivid Muse (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host, Girls\\™ Rules Podcast Host)


If you want to be part of this or future shows (questions for the guest, topics for us to discuss, general trolling):

Email us at consumption at specficmedia dot com
Leave a voicemail at (704-981-1SFM)
Post a message here before the show, or on the YouTube page during the show!

AudioConsumption Consumption Podcast

Audio: Consumption Ep. 05

Episode 5 of SFM Presents: Consumption was recorded LIVE on Google Hangout on 8/26/2013.

Our main topic of discussion: Dragon*Con and convention stories…

Show Notes:

Guests: Nicole Gugliucci, Timothy Legower, Billy Flynn, Terri \\The Flynnstress\\

Guest Links:

 Main Websites:

Also discussed: 

  • Cosmoquest \\“ Stalking works! Citizen Science. Get involved!
  • Buy a t-shirt \\“ proceeds go to Cosmoquest!
  • Follow Nicole and her Hangouts on Google +
  • Timothy\\™s Game of Thrones dragon eggs!
  • Mur Lafferty wins John W. Campbell award at the Hugo Awards
  • Jared Axelrod\\™s Kickstarter was funded!
  • The Parsec Awards
  • Mecha Adam Savage! Student of Whim Ryan Console?
  • Slave Leo

More notes and links to come…


P.G. Holyfield (author of Murder at Avedon Hill and SFM Founder)
Christiana Ellis (too many podcasts to list here, but you can check out all things Christiana at her site).
Chooch (Beyond the Wall Podcast Co-Host) (out this week, non-con con crud)
Vivid Muse (Vivid Musings Blog) 


If you want to be part of this or future shows (questions for the guest, topics for us to discuss, general trolling):

Email us at consumption at specficmedia dot com
Leave a voicemail at (704-981-1SFM)
Post a message here before the show, or on the YouTube page during the show!

Consumption Podcast VideoConsumption

SFM Presents: Consumption \\“ Ep. 10, 10/23/13

Episode 10 of SFM Presents: Consumption was recorded on Wednesday, October 23rd at 9 pm Eastern.

We  chatted with Nicole Gugliucci about Gravity, tv shows and games–and my latest obsession, Cardhunter!


P.G. Holyfield (author of Murder at Avedon Hill and SFM Founder)
Christiana Ellis (too many podcasts to list here, but you can check out all things Christiana at her site).
Chooch (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host)
Vivid Muse (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host, Girls\\™ Rules Podcast Host)


If you want to be part of this or future shows (questions for the guest, topics for us to discuss, general trolling):

Email us at consumption at specficmedia dot com
Leave a voicemail at (704-981-1SFM)
Post a message here before the show, or on the YouTube page during the show!

Consumption Podcast VideoConsumption

SFM Presents: Consumption \\“ Ep. 09, 10/16/13

Episode 9 of SFM Presents: Consumption was recorded on Wednesday, October 16th at 9 pm Eastern.

We talked about The Wolf Among Us, Agents of Shield, and many other topics. Enjoy!


P.G. Holyfield (author of Murder at Avedon Hill and SFM Founder)
Christiana Ellis (too many podcasts to list here, but you can check out all things Christiana at her site).
Chooch (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host)
Vivid Muse (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host, Girls\\™ Rules Podcast Host)


If you want to be part of this or future shows (questions for the guest, topics for us to discuss, general trolling):

Email us at consumption at specficmedia dot com
Leave a voicemail at (704-981-1SFM)
Post a message here before the show, or on the YouTube page during the show!

Podcast Tintin Forever TinTinVideo

Tintin Forever: Episode 0


Your hosts, P.G. Holyfield and Valerie Durham, get together to talk about their plans for the show.

– Introductions
– T.F. will be a monthly podcast/YouTube show. Each show will cover one of the 23 Tintin comic albums (plus special episodes whenever possible).
– Discussion of Herge, The Adventures of Tintin, and some of the characters from the series.
– Next time, P.G. and Valerie will discuss the first Tintin comic album, “Tintin in the Land of the Soviets.”

We’ll be recording the episode on Sunday, October 13th. If you would like to ask questions or leave comments that we’ll include in the next show, you can:

– post comments here
– write an email to
– leave a voicemail at 704-981-1SFM (1736)

Please see the end credits for various attributions.

Consumption Podcast VideoConsumption

SFM Presents: Consumption \\“ Ep. 08, 10/02/13

Episode 8 of SFM Presents: Consumption was recorded on Wednesday, October 2nd at 9 pm Eastern.

We talked to Patrick E. McLean, about what he’s been up to lately, and chatted about GTA V, the end of Breaking Bad, and other fun stuff… at least I enjoyed it.


P.G. Holyfield (author of Murder at Avedon Hill and SFM Founder)
Christiana Ellis (too many podcasts to list here, but you can check out all things Christiana at her site).
Chooch (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host)
Vivid Muse (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host, Girls\\™ Rules Podcast Host)


If you want to be part of this or future shows (questions for the guest, topics for us to discuss, general trolling):

Email us at consumption at specficmedia dot com
Leave a voicemail at (704-981-1SFM)
Post a message here before the show, or on the YouTube page during the show!

Podcast Tintin Forever TinTinVideo

Podcast Announcement: Tintin Forever

We at are proud to announce our next video/audio podcast/YouTube show:

On Thursday, October 3rd, will be launching Presents: Tintin Forever. Tintin Forever will be a monthly podcast/YouTube show, and I will be co-hosting it with Valerie Durham (the better half of Consumption guest James Durham).

For those of you not familiar with The Adventures of Tintin, here\\™s the gist of it. The Adventures of Tintin was a comic, created by Belgian cartoonist Herge, which was serialized in newspapers and various magazines from 1929-1983. The Adventures of Tintin chronicled the travels and adventures of young Belgian reporter Tintin, always aided by his faithful dog Snowy. It was a series admired for its artistic style, it\\™s storytelling innovations, its humor, and its ability to comment on the politics and culture of the day. It some ways Tintin is a travelogue, and in other ways it is a reflection of the turbulence and change that was the 20th century. Tintin\\™s stories crossed many genres: from mystery and swashbuckling adventure, to fantasy and science fiction, and even instances of magical realism that have become so popular today.

While we might do some live shows from time to time, this will be a more of a production oriented show, uploaded to YouTube the first Thursday of every month, and the show will also be released in audio form, day and date, as a podcast with the same name. The main reason for this is I want to include more multimedia content, and while there are ways to do this during our live Hangouts, I want to give the visual content its due, and adding this content in post and uploading the completed product will be the best way to accomplish this.

Following this, we will release new episodes the first Thursday of every month, each covering the next comic album chronologically. And when we have time, we\\™ll throw in additional episodes covering  subjects such as Tintin the movie, the Tintin television show, or possibly the European Tintin movies from the 60s and 70s… and whatever else strikes our fancy.

So to become part of the show, you can do any of the following:

You can email us at tintin at
You can leave us a voicemail at 704-981-1736… that\\™s  704-981-1SFM for those of you with one of those old timey phones…
You can post questions and leave comments on YouTube or on, either here or on future episode posts.

See you on October 3rd (hopefully, if I can finish editing the video) for the first installment of Presents: Tintin Forever.

Podcast SFM Top Ten SFMTopTenVideo

SFM Presents: The Top 10 – Videogames of this Generation

On Sunday we had a special show called “The Top 10… Videogames of this Generation.”

As an aside, we’ll be doing more of these “Top 10” shows in the future…

But on Sunday, Christiana Ellis, Justin Macumber, and I battled it out to determine SFM’s first top ten list. It was a knock-down, drag-out fight (or possibly a polite discussion). Each participant brought in a list of fifteen or so games, and before the night was through, we had a list of ten games, ranked from #10 to #1.

We will be releasing a written post soon with summaries of each game and why we chose them, and three extra summaries of games that were on our individual lists but did not make the final ten. But until then, here was some of our final selections, in no particular order (watch the video to see the final results!!):

The Last of Us
Dragon Age: Origins
Mass Effect 3
Portal 2
Red Dead Redemption

As you can tell, our favorite games tended to be single player RPGs or action oriented experiences with great stories. We know this won’t match up with anyone else’s top 10 games list, but that’s not the point. For us, this is’s Top Ten.


Consumption Podcast VideoConsumption

SFM Presents: Consumption \\“ Ep. 07, 9/25/13

Episode 7 of SFM Presents: Consumption was recorded on Wednesday, September 25th.

We talked about Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (I wonder how long we’re going to have to type all those damned periods), Sleepy Hollow, The Blacklist, Gravity Falls, et. al.

I got to see “Gravity” at a pre-screening event, and we talked about that.

Also, videogames (GTA V, $1 BILLION in 4 days) and RPGs were on the docket.

We  also announced a couple of new shows from, so watch the video and look for more info on the website!


P.G. Holyfield (author of Murder at Avedon Hill and SFM Founder)
Christiana Ellis (too many podcasts to list here, but you can check out all things Christiana at her site).
Chooch (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host)
Vivid Muse (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host, Girls\\™ Rules Podcast Host)


If you want to be part of this or future shows (questions for the guest, topics for us to discuss, general trolling):

Email us at consumption at specficmedia dot com
Leave a voicemail at (704-981-1SFM)
Post a message here before the show, or on the YouTube page during the show!

AudioConsumption Consumption Podcast

Audio: Consumption Ep. 04

Episode 4 of SFM Presents: Consumption was recorded LIVE on Google Hangout on 8/26/2013. We’ve got 2 1/2 hours of audio FUN!

Our guest was one of this century’s Renaissance men, Jared Axelrod. Our main topics of discussion: Kickass 2 and Comic Books

Show Notes:

Guest: Jared Axelrod

Main Website
Twitter: @planetx
Facebook Page

Jared’s Commander Cockroach Kickstarter ends 9/20/13! Please check it out!

Also discussed: 


P.G. Holyfield (author of Murder at Avedon Hill and SFM Founder)
Christiana Ellis (too many podcasts to list here, but you can check out all things Christiana at her site).
Chooch (Beyond the Wall Podcast Co-Host)
Vivid Muse (Vivid Musings Blog) 


If you want to be part of this or future shows (questions for the guest, topics for us to discuss, general trolling):

Email us at consumption at specficmedia dot com
Leave a voicemail at (704-981-1SFM)
Post a message here before the show, or on the YouTube page during the show!