Our Season 4 wrap up is up on YouTube for those who missed the live broadcast. I should have the audio in the podcast feed later today.

Our Season 4 wrap up is up on YouTube for those who missed the live broadcast. I should have the audio in the podcast feed later today.
Due to Balticon travel and weekend, we’re not doing our regular Wednesday night show. But what we ARE doing is this… a 45 minute to 1 hour live reaction show right after the east coast airing of episode 7 of GoT. Join us! (And a live show at Balticon Sunday night!).
Ask questions and make comments in the Q&A app! Give us questions for our Balticon Live Show next Sunday! And of course marvel at what little I (P.G.) know after just a single viewing of an episode!
At 9 pm Eastern on Wednesday, April 23rd, Chooch, Viv, P.G., Nutty and Christiana discussed “the scene,” as well as the rest of the episode of Game of Thrones, “Breaker of Chains.” Actually, Chooch and I just sat back and listened for the first half of the episode. We’re smart enough to know you don’t interrupt three ladies when discussing pushbutton issues such as…the power of the Iron Bank in Westeros. 😉
P.G. Holyfield (author of Murder at Avedon Hill and SFM Founder
Chooch (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host)
Vivid Muse (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host, Girls’ Rules Podcast Host)
Christiana Ellis (too many podcasts to list here, but you can check out all things Christiana at her site).
Nuchtchas (Host of Nutty Bites Podcast)
Contact Us:
Email: btw at specficmedia dot com
Phone: 6199-BTW-GoT (619-928-9468)
At 9 pm Eastern on Wednesday, April 16th, Chooch, Viv, P.G., Nutty and Christiana talked purple weddings, white trees, and Sausages! It’s “The Lion and The Rose,” episode 2 of Season 4 of Game of Thrones! Plus the grump had his birthday, and several stopped by to say hi. A great show, dedicated to our king, Joffrey!
P.G. Holyfield (author of Murder at Avedon Hill and SFM Founder
Chooch (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host)
Vivid Muse (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host, Girls’ Rules Podcast Host)
Christiana Ellis (too many podcasts to list here, but you can check out all things Christiana at her site).
Nuchtchas (Host of Nutty Bites Podcast)
Contact Us:
Email: btw at specficmedia dot com
Phone: 6199-BTW-GoT (619-928-9468)
Chooch, P.G., Nutty and Christiana gab about “Two Swords,” the season 4 premiere of Game of Thrones!
P.G. Holyfield (author of Murder at Avedon Hill and SFM Founder
Chooch (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host)
Vivid Muse (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host, Girls’ Rules Podcast Host)
Christiana Ellis (too many podcasts to list here, but you can check out all things Christiana at her site).
Nuchtchas (Host of Nutty Bites Podcast)
Contact Us:
Email: btw at specficmedia dot com
Phone: 6199-BTW-GoT (619-928-9468)
So yeah, we did a show on March 27th! We talked about what we are looking forward to in Season 4 (spoiler-free, as always), what we’ve been doing to prepare for the new tv season, and share some of the new things we plan to do (both on the SFM website and on our shows).
P.G. Holyfield (author of Murder at Avedon Hill and SFM Founder
Chooch (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host)
Vivid Muse (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host, Girls’ Rules Podcast Host)
Christiana Ellis (too many podcasts to list here, but you can check out all things Christiana at her site).
Nuchtchas (Host of Nutty Bites Podcast)
Contact Us:
Email: btw at specficmedia dot com
Phone: 6199-BTW-GoT (619-928-9468)
Comments: On the site
Wednesday night at 9 pm Eastern the Beyond The Wall crew will hold a Hangout to discuss Season 3 of HBO’s Game of Thrones. We’ll also figure out who won our season contest, and discuss any audience feedback.
If you’d like to share your thoughts about season 3 or have questions for us, post here prior to the show, or leave us a message on our voicemail line.
P.G. Holyfield (author of Murder at Avedon Hill and SFM Founder)
Chooch (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host, and bassist of Ditched By Kate)
Vivid Muse (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host, Girls’ Rules Podcast Host)
Christiana Ellis (too many podcasts to list here, but you can check out all things Christiana at her site).
Nuchtchas (Host of Nutty Bites Podcast)
Contact Us:
Email: btw at specficmedia dot com
Phone: 6199-BTW-GoT (619-928-9468)
Comments: On the site
Here is the video from the Hangout-a-Thon: The BTW discussion of “weather in Westeros” starts around the 2:23:00 mark.
During the recording of the special BTW discussion during CosmoQuest’s Hangout-a-Thon in June, I made the announcement that any profits from SpecFicMedia.com’s Spreadshirt Store for the rest of this year will be donated to Citizens Science Project: CosmoQuest.
So, if you needed a reason to purchase a shirt from our Spreadshirt store…
Here’s the link to the LIVE hangout! BTW will be on in a few minutes.
I had forgotten to do a post for the video from last week’s hangout. Here it is. My connectivity sucked. Sigh.
P.G. Holyfield (author of Murder at Avedon Hill and SFM Founder
Chooch (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host, and bassist of Ditched By Kate)
Vivid Muse (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host), Girls’ Rules Podcast Host)
Christiana Ellis (too many podcasts to list here, but you can check out all things Christiana at her site).
Nuchtchas (Host of Nutty Bites Podcast)
Contact Us:
Email: btw at specficmedia dot com
Phone: 6199-BTW-GoT (619-928-9468)
Comments: On the site