Did the series finale of Doctor Who make you wonder how the heck John Hurt might fit in the whole “The Doctor” universe? The BBC posted a “mini-episode” that answers some questions, and creates even more!!

Did the series finale of Doctor Who make you wonder how the heck John Hurt might fit in the whole “The Doctor” universe? The BBC posted a “mini-episode” that answers some questions, and creates even more!!
The Tudors meets a Victorian Vampire Diaries? I’ll hold out hope for this one.
Not necessarily “Speculative” fiction, but this looks awesome to me. Plus I love me some James Spader.
Part Hannibal, part The Following… well, better than The Following, one would hope.
Spoiler Warning: This promotional trailer pretty much goes through the entire plot of the pilot. You’ve been warned.
Yes, I’m posting multiple items on Game of Thrones. Get used to it.
HBO’s Game of Thrones premieres on April 17th, 2011.
HBO released a new trailer for Game of Thrones. I would love to know how many new subscribers HBO has gotten/will get just for this series (I know I’m one).
Let the game begin! “Game Of Thrones” premieres Sunday, April 17 only on HBO. For more information, go to http://itsh.bo/gHfJPE
HBO’s upcoming Game of Thrones is going to get them a lot of new subscribers, including me. The George R.R. Martin fantasy series is the best of the last twenty years (sorry, Jordan and Goodkind fans), and it appears, as always, that HBO is doing it right.
Gary thinks his new knack for gardening might impress his girlfriend, Lilly. But when he becomes obsessed with “the plants” and his green thumb turns bloody red, Gary’s relationship gets tossed into the shrubs. After a run-in with a member of the “LDS,” Gary reaps more than he sowed, and his hobby turns deadly.
Visit the “rottingsoil” YouTube page for more information on this rom-com-horror-action-musical-Mormon-gardening flick.