Beyond The Wall Podcast

Beyond The Wall – Ep. 9

Welcome to “Episode 9” of SpecFicMedia’s Beyond The Wall – A Game of Thrones Podcast. This podcast focuses on a weekly discussion of the HBO series “Game of Thrones,” with additional discussions of the various media tied to George R.R. Martin’s fantasy series “A Song of Ice and Fire.”

In this episode we discuss the ninth episode, “Baelor” (June 12th, 2011) of “Game of Thrones.”

Episode 9 – Baelor

P.G. moderates this week’s panel discussion with Vivid Muse, Chooch, Christiana and Nutty.

P.G. Holyfield (author of Murder at Avedon Hill and SFM Founder)

Nuchtchas (Host of Nutty Bites Podcast)
Chooch (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host, and bassist of Ditched By Kate)
Vivid Muse (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host), Girls’ Rules Podcast Host)
Christiana Ellis (too many podcasts to list here 😉 but you can check out all things Christiana at her site.

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