Red Band Trailer. NSFW. Awesomeness. Better 2 minutes than the entire The Walking Dead Finale. 😉

Red Band Trailer. NSFW. Awesomeness. Better 2 minutes than the entire The Walking Dead Finale. 😉
Videogame Release Date: November 1, 2011
Platform: PlayStation 3
Rating: Targeting a Rating of Teen or Above
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: Naughty Dog Software
Fortune hunter Nathan Drake is catapulted headlong into an adventure that takes him on a daring trek into the heart of the Arabian Desert in a search for the fabled “Atlantis of the Sands. This journey pits him and his mentor Victor Sullivan against the occult treachery of a shadowy clandestine organization and its ruthless leader. When the terrible secrets of this lost city are unearthed, Drake’s quest descends into a desperate bid for survival that strains the limits of his endurance and forces him to confront his deepest fears.