Audio Beyond The Wall

BTWS05E11 – Beyond The Wall – Season 5 Balticon 49

At long last here’s the audio from our Balticon 49 Live Show!

Beyond The Wall

Game of Thrones meme roundup

Welcome to this week’s Game of Thrones Meme round up! All of our favorite memes. If you find one you like, let us know and we will include it next week

1972482_10206431803330521_277974482916390642_nShakespeare tweettumblr_n6wn8ryzXM1qewacoo1_500 Screen shot 2015-06-16 at 1.24.10 PM10245375_1575672492686072_6377876281246896857_n Screen shot 2015-06-16 at 2.25.00 PM1383407_10204246325180155_5272344540526293194_n 1395795_859899157428393_8901822561781951311_n 10245345_10204246250218281_8411849991996511470_n 11111602_10207198577552120_5290535290969612759_n 10402621_458761354298451_4998341912181603438_n 1424506_10204268495978488_2200528084959435995_ntumblr_n91hgiOux71qk2t5co2_1280 tumblr_nnmqq7DEtB1qk2t5co1_1280 tumblr_inline_nnvxiaUhT21qa0rit_500 tumblr_nnvxjo8Qk71qk2t5co1_1280 tumblr_npfn0qZDpE1qk2t5co1_1280 tumblr_npp3hkZyv61qk2t5co1_1280 tumblr_nq523iBSJ11s10umgo1_540 tumblr_nq51x9GcqD1s10umgo1_540 number-1-dad-best-dad-mug-stannis-baratheon-daughter-killed-game-of-thrones tumblr_npvxvpShzw1tuwbfjo1_5001507600_10204576237382630_4676425094380042690_n

Happy Father’s Day!

Audio Beyond The Wall Podcast

BTWS05E10 – Beyond The Wall – Season 5 Episode 10

the new ID3 art.

It’s finale time!

We discuss Episode 10 of Game of Thrones titled Mother’s Mercy. We delve deep into all the big moments the finale gave.

As always, with no spoilers past the latest aired episode. Not that there are many left!

Audio Beyond The Wall Podcast

BTWS05E10a – The Gift – Season 5 Ep10 Reaction

il_fullxfull.507834463_t3q1The crew got together just after the Game of Thrones Season five finale to record our reactions.

We’ll have our regular in-depth discussion on Wednesday 6/17/15, but we just couldn’t wait to talk about all of the DaFuk?! moments in episode 10.

Beyond The Wall

Game of Thrones Meme Roundup

11403475_730595600402278_9170385723101167485_nWelcome to this week’s Game of Thrones Meme round up! All of our favorite memes. If you find one you like, let us know and we will include it next weekTormundDragonGlass ClubDornmundcomics of ice and fire11406991_10204103811663677_4149061528253586043_n 11221595_10207328008743985_4249544965009611487_n11537805_847484531953259_2118456374861709530_n 11401070_10153444339834052_1649840889232796885_n 11391496_1616800508559501_7611666805588952346_n 17185_504278059725953_4813249240051530960_n 10421305_10153346138021153_851291909488448439_n
10421265_10153473379074382_566826616878482338_n 11053206_871206189582462_8088603097382666903_n 11351317_872830776128314_9164560587586916049_n

Audio Beyond The Wall Podcast

BTWS05E09 – Beyond The Wall – Season 5 Episode 9

The crew discuss Episode 9 of Game of Thrones titles The Dance of Dragons. Naturally we talk a lot about Stannis, Dani, and Arya. We also get into a discussion about trigger warnings in media and vow to get together at 10:30pm Eastern on Sunday to stream a reaction show!

In the Q&A Sherriff Bullock shared this article on how out of character Stannis’ decision was. What do you think?

Beyond The Wall

Game of Thrones Meme Round Up

Welcome to this week’s Game of Thrones Meme round up! All of our favorite memes. If you find one you like, let us know and we will include it next week.11230915_854872174583016_8749637911710748229_n

Check out this week’s episode of Star Ship Sofa, they read a short story from George R R Martin’s past. StarShipSofa No 389 George R. R. Martin

10999327_10206154522682703_6058069010759601725_n 11233175_10155562634360577_4219527588996643191_n 10426538_871935549544141_2914017752512130598_n 1545544_10152887742419212_4832902121730531152_n 11266503_10206939846401282_3710784251989814595_n 11215128_1665972023621984_3817289324613901939_n 11110882_10153432389528278_2720249332056462622_n 11390216_844759302276886_3384538622091288907_n 11329745_867656056645786_4712811856586885441_n 11255321_10206777209577019_5332009964314957064_n

The following was found on imgur, but thankfully the artist signed his art so you can find him at www.tarusov.comrx6PbLI V18BgIS 1pFIykI 7pROTmw epxVaos comeatmecrow

These next few are a little heart wrenching, but so awesome.

just-game-of-thrones-things-111just-game-of-thrones-things-11 just-game-of-thrones-things-10 just-game-of-thrones-things-9 just-game-of-thrones-things-8 just-game-of-thrones-things-6 just-game-of-thrones-things-5 just-game-of-thrones-things-4 just-game-of-thrones-things-71 just-game-of-thrones-things-3 just-game-of-thrones-things-2

Audio Beyond The Wall Podcast

BTWS05E08 – Beyond The Wall – Season 5 Episode 8

11255321_10206777209577019_5332009964314957064_nHelp yourself to episode 8 of Beyond The Wall where we discuss the latest episode of Game of Thrones titled Hardhome.

Beyond The Wall

Game of Thrones MEME Round Up

Welcome to this week’s Game of Thrones Meme round up! All of our favorite memes. If you find one you like, let us know and we will include it next week.

xhTbDjTGameofGnomesThanks to Pamela Prindle Pritchard for the above photo. Buy it here!


This video is worth watching if for nothing else than to see Alfie Allen happy again. It has so much in it though, so many of the stars having fun and Liam Neeson doing his thing.


Audio Beyond The Wall Podcast

BTWS05E07 – Beyond The Wall – Season 5 Episode 7

btw-final-squareBack on track with episode 7 were we discuss the latest episode of Game of Thrones titled The Gift.