Balticon was wonderful this year (as always). We did a Beyond the Wall Live Show, which was a lot of fun once again. I’ll let Nutty and Viv add some details in the comments, but all in all I consider it a success.
I am now working on audio for episode 7, 8, and the Balticon Live Show. Each will be released as soon as I’m done with it.
Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend, and we’ll see you next Wednesday night for our Live Hangout for Episode 9!
A few weeks ago I commissioned a piece of art from Natalie Metzger. It turned out AWESOME, and if you are greatly inspired you can purchase t-shirts and whatnot over at
If you see a product over there, or over at that you’d like to see with this awesome art, just let me know and I’ll make it happen. Thanks!!